Friday, December 28, 2007

2.0 = 20% 

"Giving 100% of what it takes!"

20% help for AIDS & Poverty, Global Foundation
20% help for Youth Education, 826 Foundation
20% help for Breast Cancer Research Foundation
20% help for Children's Charity, “Make-A-Wish” 
20% help for Authors & Infrastructure

20% of ad revenue of the 2.0 weblogs core will go to 5 different areas to help humanity. This is community building, this is web 2.0.

More Info:

20% weblogs is small, growing network of 2.0 weblogs that work on collaboration
and open platforms in order to grow using collaboration and the web 2.0

We need your readership & contribution to survive.
Simply reading will help fight for good causes.


We were started with a budget under $200.00 and rely on the web 2.0 community to help make the world a better place. We are intent on making charitable donations to great causes, such as breast cancer awareness, the green web project, and helping to make poverty history. 20% weblogs, was created as a social enterprise.


We hope that 2.0 weblogs will grow into a family of 20 socially conscious weblogs that donate 20% of their advertising revenue to the causes labeled above. We will post our income quarterly in order to provide transparency for our readers and philanthropists.


We are still pretty small with about 1,500 to 2,000 readers-a-day and mark today, (12.28.2007) as the official birthday of our 2.0 community. Yeah! Please send our articles around, click on everything you find interesting, and please come back.

Say, think about becoming an author yourself. See you soon!

Contact: 2.0weblogs [at] g mail dot com


Questions & Answers:

Q: 20% weblogs is a great idea, but how is it "2.0" ?

A: The term "web 2.0" is best summed in the word, "collaboration." So while our sites don't employ vast amounts of AJAX, Flash, or bells & whistles; we use whatever means to bring information to readers and help to charities in a direct and straight-forward way.

Q: I like weblog collectives, but I need my dirt, where is Britney?

A: Sorry Charlie, we stick to what we like, and unless someone is willing to write a Wag Rag for shameless amounts of web traffic, no dice.

Q: You mentioned 80% of your ad earnings will go to good causes, where does the other 20% go?

A: To authors, infrastructure, and everywhere else you would expect us to cover costs.

Q: What is your most popular weblog & why?

A:, and like all our blogs has limited advertising clutter. Actually, all our weblogs are considered clutter free, it's why we are different and why you should visit us every day.

Q: I would donate, but want to be sure you are real, will you post reports?

A: Yes, we will post quarterly reports and make contact information available to the organizations we give 80% of our revenue. This ensures transparency and trust among the web community, 20% weblogs, and 100% of our readers and benefactors.

Q: Do you speak to journalist?

A: Yes, quite freely. Readers please comment on our blogs and we'll write back.

Q: Where is your sports section?

A: We are always on the look out for a sportsracers, ze frank fans available? Real answer, we need one, if you would like to become part of the 20% weblogs community, by all means, get in touch with us and we'll help you change the world.

Q: Sounds good, Can I join?

A: You need to have a proven record of spotless integrity, gumshoe instincts, and a following of a few hundred readers a day. Or just the latter and be interesting, drop us a line.

Q: Where do I sign up?

A: Email us your passionate ideas or portfolio link to: 2.0weblogs [at] g mail dot com

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